Teilnehmende Ateliers 2023

Jules Leaño

Installation, Multimedia


KEP (Kunst Etagen Pankow) c/o Atelierhaus Prenzlauer Promenade

Prenzlauer Promenade 152
13189 Berlin Pankow

https://maps.google.com/?q=Prenzlauer Promenade 152, 13189 Berlin Pankow

Sa 14-18 Uhr
So 14-18 Uhr

VH, 2, 353, nicht barrierefrei

Jules Leaño is a visual anthropologist and artist, whose work explores the sociopolitical consequences of media narratives. Through disruptive structures and non-linear narratives, her work invites audiences to reconsider the collective imaginations that shape our worldview.

She is a co-founder of the visual anthropology collective “Alternative Fictions”.
